The Inspiration project was definietly one of the more challenging tasks I have faced this semester. While I enjoyed using the program, this was one of my least favorite assignments. I guess I didn't care for it as much because the program was so new to me and I had no clue how to use it. The TPTE packet did come in handy and provided a lot of helpful information, but I still had a lot to learn on my own.
Although I didn't enjoy this task as much as others, I can still see how this would be a helpful program to use in the classroom. I know from experience that graphic organizers help improve comprehension and help students make meaningful connections among different concepts. For this reason, I think a program of this type could be an extremely effectice toool to use with children.
In the future, I hope to learn more about Inspiration and gain more experience using it. In fact, I have already thought of several ways I could use this in the classroom. Perhaps someday soon I'll have the chance to work with this program again.